Connecting the
Building Industry.

We are building Australia’s first open-ended construction network. Our digitised tendering platform is one of many groundbreaking solutions, built to connect all stakeholders operating within the Construction Sector


We're not just Tech . . .

Our Heart is in Construction

Subconnect is a Construction Company.
But unlike traditional builders, we utilise industry-leading technologies to optimise project efficiencies from initiation all the through to completion.

We provide a wide range of Building and Project Management Services.

You can learn more by visiting Subconnect Trade.


Our Mission

Our mission is to streamline the construction process by incorporating artificial intelligence, deep learning, and other revolutionary technologies in the management process to help you deliver higher quality projects on time, under budget, and beyond expectations. Creativity and innovation are the core of our approach. Our leading technology-based solutions can help reshape the future of the construction industry by facilitating informed decisions in the pre construction stage to optimise construction project management practices.

Our Values

People icon in Values
Innovation icon in values
Performance icon in values
Quality icon in our values section
Passion icon in values
Challenge mountain icon in our values

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